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Acc name: Mitchell's Plain Bursary Role model Trust
Bank: RMB Private Bank
Type: Cheque account
Account no.: 62615881423

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The Mitchells Plain Bursary and role model trust is a South African registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) in terms of both section 30 and 18A of the Income Tax Act. A PBO which is recognised under section 18A is entitled to issue receipts to South African donors under section 18A(2). Armed with those receipts, the donors can treat their donations to the PBO as tax-deductible expenses (thereby effectively only paying sixty (60) percent of the face value of the donation).

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Sandy comes from a creative family in Darling, on the Cape West Coast. He is a self-taught artist, using acrylics and mixed media.

He became a full time artist in 2000 and did commissions for Daimler Chrysler, Indaba Tourism, Policy Link and “Evita se Perron”. He participated in many group exhibitions as well as many solo exhibitions. His art works are found in most of the major galleries in South Africa. Sandy was educated at the Vooruitsig Primary School in Darling and the Atlantis Senior Secondary School. His remarkable talent was noticed by an art professor of the University of Cape Town and he made it possible for Sandy to receive his art education at the Ruth Prowse School of Art in Woodstock (lectured by Eric Loubser and Ryno Swart) and the Daljosafat Missionary Station in Paarl (lectured by Judith Mason). He is regarded as one of the most successful and talented young artists in South Africa.