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Lady on the Beach

Lady on the Beach

Selwyn Pekeur studied art at school and then went on to qualify as an art teacher in 1980. His first post as a primary school teacher opened his eyes to the use of colour, form and humour.

He was appointed convener of the schools art project and organised workshops and exhibitions for children’s art and young artists. He found himself influenced by their portrayal of life in a primitive and naive genre.

He has convened various art projects and workshops for both fine art and sculpture in the Western Cape. He is a founding member of the E’Bezweni Art Group (E.A.G.), established in Paarl in October 1994.

Selwyn explores humour to bridge the cultural divide rather than redefine the fault lines that separated the communities of the past. Laughter heals.

The bold colours, simple shapes, movement and humorous predica- ments best known by the Coloured and Black communities in the Western Cape, define his work. Selwyn exper- iments with different materials, media and techniques. He has worked as a sculptor, print maker and paints in oil and acrylic.