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Bank: RMB Private Bank
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Blossom the football player

Blossom the football player

Beezy Bailey is a South African artist who works in various media, including painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking and ceramics. He received a fine art degree from Byam Shaw School of Art in London. Bailey has a history of close collaboration with other artists most famously musicians. He has done work with David Bowie, Brian Eno and Dave Matthews.

He has worked with photographers Adam Letch and sculptor Koos Malgas. He has also exhibited at the Saatchi Museum in Chelsea, London.

Baileys work is represented in several art collections, including the David Bowie Art Collection and in the permanent collections of Sasol, Standard Bank, Investec bank and the Kunsthuis Museum in Germany and the SANG (South African National Gallery). He had a show in the 2008 Cuban Biennale and was part of the official programme at the 2015 Venice Biennale.