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Acc name: Mitchell's Plain Bursary Role model Trust
Bank: RMB Private Bank
Type: Cheque account
Account no.: 62615881423

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The Mitchells Plain Bursary and role model trust is a South African registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) in terms of both section 30 and 18A of the Income Tax Act. A PBO which is recognised under section 18A is entitled to issue receipts to South African donors under section 18A(2). Armed with those receipts, the donors can treat their donations to the PBO as tax-deductible expenses (thereby effectively only paying sixty (60) percent of the face value of the donation).

PayFast handles secure online payments on behalf of The Mitchells Plain Bursary and Role Model Trust. By transacting with PayFast, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms of our End User Agreement.

Nabeelah Adams

I am 18 and I grew up in a home with only one parent due to my father dying when I was only 12 years old. When I started at Oval North High School I found myself being one of the top 10 in my grade, and ever since then I was committed to being...
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Nabeelah Adams

I am 18 and I grew up in a home with only one parent due to my father dying when I was only 12 years old. When I started at Oval North High School I found myself being one of the top 10 in my grade, and ever since then I was committed to being...
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Juanita Plaaitjies

I am a 19-year-old from Lentegeur, Mitchell’s Plain. I was raised by a big family who continue to support and motivate me in things I partake in. My hobbies are reading, acting, swimming and resciting and writing poems. My passion is Dramatic Arts – it is part of my life and of who I am....
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Yuserie Seraaj Abrahams

I am 19 years of age and I live in Mitchell’s Plain. I’m a very hardworking person and I strive for success. I’m interested in various things, such as music, books, technology and sports. I come from a poor community called Tafelsig, where it is very rough. I see many people do wrong things and...
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Carla Lindt

I am 18 years old and was raised in Beacon Valley, Mitchell’s Plain by my aunt and uncle. My hobbies are reading, baking, swimming, playing chess, and playing computer games. I attended Mondale High School and matriculated in 2014.  I am currently a first–year student at the University of the Western Cape and am studying...
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Cindy-Lee Jennevive Pienaar

I am 18 years of age, a passionate learner, and I have a passion to do ministry work and outreaches in my free time as a way to give back to my Creator. I am a firm believer in God so as my hobbies I spent time participating in youth outreaches and praise and worship....
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