Nabeelah Adams

I am 18 and I grew up in a home with only one parent due to my father dying when I was only 12 years old. When I started at Oval North High School I found myself being one of the top 10 in my grade, and ever since then I was committed to being one of the top 10 every term.
I am now studying for a BSc in Human Life Science at Stellenbosch University and want to have a career in genetics.
The MPBRMT assisted me by paying a partial amount of my student account. I am grateful for the assistance – it means a lot that there are people in this world that are willing to help students like myself to achieve their goals in life. It also helps me to worry less and instead to focus more on my studies.
I aim to complete my degree and get a good job. This will assure the MPBRMT that their contribution has not been wasted.