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Mitchell’s Plain Bursary and Role Model Trust celebrates Mandela Day with launch of new website


 14 July 2015

ATTENTION: All Editors/News Editors/Reporters

Mitchell’s Plain Bursary and Role Model Trust celebrates Mandela Day with launch of new website

The Mitchell’s Plain Bursary and Role Model Trust is celebrating Mandela Day with the launch of their brand new website,

According to the Trust, the launch of their brand new website is in line with the #timetoserve theme set by the Mandela Foundation. The website will help to create awareness of the opportunities for young people from Mitchell’s Plain and surrounds to receive assistance for tertiary level studies. Another important objective with the launch of the website is to raise much-needed funds for the work of the Trust, which aims to assist students with registration and/or tuition fees for study at a recognised university, university of technology or FET college.

The website illustrates the work that the Trust has been doing to provide access to tertiary and further education opportunities for deserving and needy matriculants from Mitchell’s Plain and surrounds. The launch will also serve as a precursor to a fund-raising campaign aimed at getting corporates and individuals to contribute to the Trust and, in so doing, helping young people from Mitchell’s Plain to access tertiary education.  According to the Trust, this would help to steer their lives in a direction which mirrors the “change” that Nelson Mandela diligently pursued throughout his life. 

The Trust’s founding patron, former Minister of Finance and Minister in the Presidency Trevor Manuel, says: “We believe this is an example of the sort of initiative which Nelson Mandela wanted communities and corporates to support — and it is in this spirit that we are launching the Trust’s website just ahead of Mandela Day. The website ( will provide prospective students and their parents with relevant information to take advantage of the opportunities which the Trust and its sponsors/supporters are offering. We will also shortly embark on a major fundraising drive and will use our new website as a tool to encourage potential donors, whether corporates or individuals, by providing them with information about the good work that the Trust has been doing — and plans to do going forward.

“Our message to learners, students, parents, teachers, principals, role models and corporates alike is quite simple: ‘We can only achieve the South Africa that Nelson Mandela sacrificed so much for if we work hard toward the future that he dreamt of which landed him in prison at Robben Island in June 1964. Madiba wanted our youth to be educated, to reach their full potential. The Mitchell’s Plain Bursary and Role Model Trust is working to help young people achieve just that and we believe that this new website will add a sharper edge to our efforts by giving prospective bursary recipients and donors alike easy access to the information they need,” said Mr. Manuel.

At its 2015 awards ceremony held at Spine Road High in February 2015, the Mitchell’s Plain Bursary and Role Model Trust disbursed close to R1-million worth of bursaries to more than 80 students. 

Trustee Achmat Chotia said: “The Trust is squarely focussed on giving young people access to further education by providing them with bursaries in the form of registration and tuition fees but, whilst we have made significant strides toward this objective, it is clear that the youth of Mitchell’s Plain and surrounds need more support if they are to graduate from universities, technikons and colleges in large numbers.”


ENQUIRIES: Cameron Dugmore – 082 894 7553

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