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Acc name: Mitchell's Plain Bursary Role model Trust
Bank: RMB Private Bank
Type: Cheque account
Account no.: 62615881423

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The Mitchells Plain Bursary and role model trust is a South African registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) in terms of both section 30 and 18A of the Income Tax Act. A PBO which is recognised under section 18A is entitled to issue receipts to South African donors under section 18A(2). Armed with those receipts, the donors can treat their donations to the PBO as tax-deductible expenses (thereby effectively only paying sixty (60) percent of the face value of the donation).

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Takalani Yolanda Tshililo

I was born on the 3 August 1995 in Limpopo and attended primary and part of my high school there. I then relocated to Cape Town to finish my high school. I am very interested in the safety of women and children – it’s something I worry about in my everyday life, and I try to help where I can. My hobbies are researching about the matters that society faces and to find out a different view on the issues at hand.

I matriculated in 2012 from Glendale Secondary School. I was then accepted at the University of Cape Town for a Bachelor of Social Sciences. I’m currently in my third year, majoring in Sociology, Gender Studies and Social Development. After my graduation I would love to work on advocating for the elderly, women and children’s rights – in my view are the most vulnerable groups.

The MPBRMT really helped me to fulfil my dream of studying at UCT, since I couldn’t afford the family contribution necessary. I no longer stress about my finances, which allows me to focus on my academic work without any distraction. If it wasn’t for this financial assistance I would not have made it this far – thus I work even harder to never disappoint or let such an opportunity vanish.

In the future I would like to ensure that those students like me, who dream, are helped financially, mentoring them and helping them succeed in life and in their careers – just like the MPBRMT has done for me. In summary, I would love to give back to the community – especially to disadvantaged children.