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Acc name: Mitchell's Plain Bursary Role model Trust
Bank: RMB Private Bank
Type: Cheque account
Account no.: 62615881423

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The Mitchells Plain Bursary and role model trust is a South African registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) in terms of both section 30 and 18A of the Income Tax Act. A PBO which is recognised under section 18A is entitled to issue receipts to South African donors under section 18A(2). Armed with those receipts, the donors can treat their donations to the PBO as tax-deductible expenses (thereby effectively only paying sixty (60) percent of the face value of the donation).

PayFast handles secure online payments on behalf of The Mitchells Plain Bursary and Role Model Trust. By transacting with PayFast, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms of our End User Agreement.

Tips & Resources

The following are useful links to help you with your research to find information, guidance and additional financial assistance to help you achieve your study and career goals.

Helpful Links

Career Help

Nsfas –

SAQA South African Quality Authority)

DOL Department of Labour –

DOL Skills development –

Dhet Department of Higher Education and Training

South African SA student loans and bursaries –



CPUT (Cape Peninsula University of Technology)

Stellenbosch University

UCT (University of Cape Town)

UWC (University of the Western Cape)


TVET Colleges (Technical Vocational Education and Training)

Boland College –

College of Cape Town –

False Bay College –

North link College

South Cape College –

West Coast College –


Student Loans

Bursary Information

Lists bursaries according to field of study and includes bursary values, as well as a link to specific sites.

HCI National Bursary Schema which offers 1 200 bursaries a year to financially needy undergraduate students

Funding opportunities from the National Research Foundation, which is one of the Department of Science and Technology’s key science councils.

Submit your application

Apply Online

“The Mitchell’s Plain Bursary and Role Model Trust means so much to me as they gave me the chance to further my education. Being a recipient of the trust shows me they see my potential and is willing to work with me to reach my dreams. I am grateful to have received the bursary.”

– Simanathia Hendricks, first-year Bachelor of Arts student, UWC


Prepare early for your matric examination.

 Read the advice by Jonathan Jansen.